Thursday, March 5, 2015

Simple steps to spread awareness this month

March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.

Now is the time to celebrate the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and advocate for their inclusion and independence.

Here are some helpful tips on how to help spread the word and raise awareness.

  1. Update your profile pictures and cover photos. We are becoming a more online-focused society every day. What simpler way to reach a large audience exists than social media? Visit our facebook page to download our D/D Awareness Month cover photo or the InterHab profile picture and update your profile today!
  2. Post, Tweet, Instagram, and Pin like crazy! Post articles, statuses, and photos on facebook, instagram, twitter and pinterest using the hashtags #ddawarenessmonth #ddawareness #spreadthewordtoendtheword & #ddaware
  3. Follow InterHab and other I/DD focused organizations on social media and re-tweet, share, and like posts & updates about awareness. 
  4. Come to Day at the Capitol. March 19th InterHab will be hosting a Day at the Capitol, giving you the chance to talk to legislators about making changes to support Kansans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Learn more here. 
  5. Get to know someone with a disability. If you don't know someone with an intellectual or developmental disability you should. Make friends and share their inspiring stories with people you know or blog about it online!
  6. Talk to your children. Encourage your children to understand, respect, and include kids with disabilities. 
  7. Contact your legislators and local policymakers. Email, write, or call your local officials and let them know you expect them to promote bills and policies that benefit people with I/DD. 
 Together we can make a better, diverse, and inclusive community. Contact InterHab to learn more.

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