Friday, March 20, 2015

Day at the Capitol a huge success

Thursday, March 18, more than 400 people gathered for InterHab's Day at the Capitol. The advocacy event took place on the second floor rotunda of the State Capitol Building in Topeka.  

InterHab members from across the state met with legislators and gave them posters depicting a Kansas family including a member with a developmental disability. The poster draws attention to the fact that by enacting legislation that supports the I/DD service system, legislators are helping Kansas families and driving economic growth. 

This 12 x 18" poster was given was the legislative gift
at the 2015 InterHab Day at the Capitol. 
In addition, InterHab also had rack cards available as handouts for members and talking points to hit home the 3 Key Issues facing Kansans with I/DD.

This year showed the most legislator participation yet, with a large percentage of them coming down to eat lunch with InterHab members and families of Kansans with disabilities. The Kansas families theme was reinforced with speeches by members of the Advocates for Invisible Kansans, a newly formed family advocacy group. 

If you participated in InterHab's Day at the Capitol, we recommend sending your legislator a thank you card, thanking them for coming and meeting with you while also mentioning the key issues you discussed with them. Contact InterHab at for more information and suggestions. 

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