While not all bills on the General Orders House Calendar will be debated, we believe ours will. The calendar for today's activites indicate that our bill is NOT up for debate and action today. And this is a good thing - this means we each have a chance to renew our advocacy messages to each and every member of the House! It is our hope that the bill will be considered for tomorrow's list of bills to be debated and acted upon.
Be sure to contact your Representatives today and follow these important steps:
- Inform your Representative about the benefits of a Provider Assessment - a funding concept that will give the Kansas DD community the opportunity to improve our capacity to serve individuals with developmental disabilities.
- Ask them if they will support SB 210
- Report back to InterHab staff on what you hear from your Representative
Below are tools to help you in your efforts:
Top Ten Reasons to Support a Provider Assessment
Factor of Safety: Why a Provider Assessment must be used to build system capacity
Provider Assessment Talking Points
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