Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Register Now for Upcoming Training

June 12th 
The ADAAA applies to all private employers with 15 or more employees.  If you are a federal contractor or subcontractor you are subject to Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act and if you receive federal financial assistance under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act you must comply regardless of the number of employees you have.

Participants will be able to:
  1. Determine whether the ADAAA applies to their organization.
  2. Analyze whether the organization’s employee handbook adequately informs employees about the ADAAA.
  3. Identify the two categories of applicants or employees who qualify for a reasonable accommodation.
  4. Identify three examples of applicants or employees who do not qualify for a reasonable accommodation.
  5.   Identify the how a formal complaint is lodged regarding an employer’s failure to reasonably accommodate a disability covered by the ADAAA.

June 19th 
Work Life Balance. Is there such a thing?  Half would argue it is possible and half would say it is not.  True work life balance can happen, it is up to you.  Attendees will learn to define Balance for you and learn strategies to organize your time and life to maximize balance.  All levels of staff would appreciate the tips shared in this discussion.

June 23rd 
Effective communication with people with disabilities begins with an evaluation of attitude, power and prejudice. This session will have the participants examine the role that power plays in their interactions with those with disabilities and will give each an opportunity to practice new ways of understanding, listening and relating to people with intellectual disabilities.

June 25th 
Ring of Safety: Teaching people with disabilities the skills to prevent abuse. People with intellectual disabilities are the most sexually victimized group in society. This workshop will look at causes and prevention strategies. We will look at the various skills needed to teach people with disabilities in order to reduce their vulnerability as well as discuss the reporting of abuse - how to take a report and how to make a report.

June 30th 
Even if your agency doesn’t rely on the Internet to do business, you still have billions of pieces of valuable information to protect. Sales records. Client data. Donor data. Personnel records. Medical histories.  Inventory.  Passwords only go so far.

Learn exactly what cyber liability is, how it has evolved over the last decade, how it impacts almost every business today in some way, the extensive nature of the risks involved and how to protect your agency from compromised data security.  We’ll touch on the many regulations that govern corporate responsibility and look at some examples of recent claims and the aftermath. You’ll learn a bit about insurance jargon and coverage that will that help lift the fog around cyber liability.

July 10th 
Performance Evaluations are a dreaded must, but they don’t have to be!  Attendees will review traditional models and share the concept of coaching models that increase employee participation and engagement while reducing the burden on managers.  Managers and executive would benefit from this session.

July 15th 
The Choking Prevention and Dysphagia Diets training will provide participants with an understanding of the choking risks of individuals with developmental disabilities and prevention strategies. This training will enable staff to: 
  • Develop awareness of the incidence of eating difficulties and choking among individuals with developmental disabilities
  • Describe the eating and swallowing processes
  • Describe the factors that contribute to a higher incidence of choking in individuals with developmental disabilities
  • Identify red flags for choking and the agency reporting procedures
  • Describe various diets and liquid consistencies used to address eating difficulties
  • Implement techniques and strategies to assist individuals to eat safely and prevent choking
  • Discuss protocol for techniques to intervene in choking incidents

July 24th 
Projects and tasks are mounting at a rapid pace while organizations continue to try to do more with less to ensure long-term viability.  Attendees will learn tips to structure tasks, manage projects, set reminders and most importantly improve communication skills to ensure everyone is on the same page.  All levels of staff would appreciate the tips shared in this discussion.

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