Friday, August 29, 2014

Power Up! 2014 Breakout Schedule

With the 2014 Power Up! InterHab Annual Conference fast approaching we are excited to announce our detailed training schedule. Look for updates to the schedule every Friday until the conference!

Visit our conference website at to learn more about our exciting keynote Maysoon Zayid!

Power Up! Breakout Schedule

Wednesday, October 15
3:00-4:00 p.m.
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Julie Athey, The Miller Group
There are threats in the HR world – and no one knows them better than the compliance wizard from Kansas. Julie Athey, Compliance Director from The Miller Group, will be on hand to discuss the regulatory issues that threaten HR professionals on a daily basis.  With over 15 years in the  industry, Julie will hold a discussion about the compliance requirements now in place that add headache and heartache to your jobs.  Topics include 5500s, Wrap Documents,  Required Notices and Disclosures, Fiduciary Responsibilities, ACA  and HIPAA .   Follow the yellow brick road and discover the knowledge you need to face HR challenges head on.

Swallow and Feeding Therapy, Is There Anyone Out There?
Alisha Delgado, TARC
Discussion will focus on why we started a feeding clinic to address a huge need/gap of service for children/adults with development delay. And discuss why children with feeding issues beyond age 3 who transition to the school districts typically do not receive therapy or support for feeding/swallowing. Most communities even outside of the school systems have limited to no resources for ongoing feeding/swallow therapy for these children. In communities that do have resources, many families are limited to accessing them by barriers of cost, transportation, availability of taking new clients, or distance from services.  Typically school therapist are not providing therapy for feeding/swallowing for various reasons some of which are lack of expertise in feeding/swallowing, high case loads, or belief it is not educationally related.  The families of these children often find themselves stuck with little support for helping their child develop safe swallowing.  Some school aged children remain on feeding tubes due to lack of treatment.  Also, adults with cognitive delays and difficulties with swallowing in many communities don't have access to treatment for swallowing issues until a medical crisis occurs.  These adults would be better supported with evaluation periodically as they age and their swallow changes to support their independence during feeding, which research shows decreases aspiration risk.

6 Ways to Boost Your Creativity – even if you’re not “creative”
Martha Piland, MB Piland
Martha Piland, MB Piland
Whether you're a "creative person" or not, creative thinking gets easier with practice. Put on your thinking caps and join Martha Bartlett Piland from MB Piland Advertising + Marketing for an interactive session on being more creative. In this mini workshop, you'll have the chance to learn some new techniques and try them out. You'll have fun—and gain some new tools for problem solving and idea generation you can use at work, at home and in volunteer roles. Creative thinking can be applied to everyday sitiuations to make things easier and a lot more fun.

Visions for an Integrated Life
Holly Morsbach Sweeney,  Shelly May, Kenn Rogers, Sherry Biddle, Julie Cooper, & Ian Kuenzi, LifeShare
A review of Pathways, an Innovation of LifeShare, in partnership with Sunflower Health Plan will be presented as well as the five Pathways of Integrated Care. LifeShare’s concept is that there are five areas in a person’s life which must be fulfilled.  If any of these areas are lacking, a person will not be happy in his/her life, resulting in a greater need for support, which results in higher costs and a lower quality of life.  This presentation challenges and shapes our current notions on how people with IDD can be supported in the community. We reference the past, present and future of services to people with IDD. In a world where people with IDD are typically protected, our objective is to include people in their communities and protect their civil rights. We discuss best practice with regard to the language we use in the system of IDD, the approaches we take to challenging behavior, common values, dignity of risk and other areas important to fostering independence, productivity, health and happiness for all members within an Integrated Care Management Model.

Adapted Art
Cassandra Phillips, Linda  and Cleo McDonald, Cathi Pullen, TARC
This session will offer information and ideas on how to make art accessible for people who may have challenges holding a paint brush or other art mediums. Adaptive equipment in conjunction with proper positioning can allow an increased level of independence and quality of life. Our Assistive Technology Department has created and adapted many different pieces of equipment for people to be as independent as possible. For example, some of the adults we support do not have sufficient control of their arms or fingers. With the assistance of a Big Mac Switch people can create works of art. We offer several different techniques for them to work with ranging from painting with races cars to marbles rocking back and forth on paper. With these adaptations and AT equipment, we are putting the control and creativity in their hands. We have found that expressions of art can be found in each and every one of us. It is our responsibility to give everyone that we support the opportunity and capability to be as independent as possible.

Transition Planning App – Yes, there’s an App for that!
Rocky Nichols, DRC Kansas
Come learn about this fun, free app for helping students with disabilities write their draft transition plan as part of their Individual Education Program (IEP).  The Disability Rights Center of Kansas has developed an app that will be available for free on the Google Play Store and ITunes.  This tool is also available for free on the Internet.  This tool can be used on smartphones, tablets, or any device that has a browser and access to the Internet (including PCs or laptops). This application will help students, parents, teachers, case managers, agency supports and natural supports create a draft transition plan document. The student simply answers a series of questions and the app will output a draft transition plan that the student can take to their IEP meeting to assist with transition planning. DRC wants case managers, direct care workers, and leaders in the intellectual and developmental disability field to know about this  app so that it will be used to help students with disabilities better plan for their transition to adult life after high school.

4:15-5:15 p.m.

Increasing Diversity in the Workplace
Amanda Kiefer, FHLB Topeka
Ms. Kiefer will discuss opportunities to increase diversity in the workplace and creating a culturally competent work environment.

Understanding the Role of Medications in the Treatment of Behavioral Health
Dr. Sosunmolu O Shoyinka, Cenpatico Behavioral Health; Dr. Jonalan Smith, Sunflower Health Plan
Psycho-active medications are widely used in the treatment of a variety of mental and developmental orders as well as for medical conditions.
However, their role in the treatment of these disorders is often misunderstood, leading to either an over-utilization or an under-use of these powerful medications.
At the end of this session, the audience will understand: The various classes of psycho-active medications; Potential side effects and the the importance of monitoring; Their application in the treatment of mental illness and developmental disability; The role of psychotherapies and psychosocial treatments in helping individuals with mental illness and developmental disabilities achieve recovery.

Shoestring Marketing – Using internal branding and non-traditional efforts to stretch budgets
Martha Piland, MB Piland
Every organization is challenged to do more with less. Finding ways to make marketing impact with limited funds can prove difficult. In this session, you’ll learn 4 key elements to get you well on your way to maximizing your marketing/PR budget with a strategic approach:
• the importance of brands and why you must build consistency
• how your employees can help build your brand
• the difference between targeted and shotgun tactics
• ideas for non-traditional and low-cost ways to stretch your budget

With time for Q&A, you’ll also have a chance to ask specific questions about your own challenges.

Visions for an Integrated Life, Part 2

Thursday, October 16

8:30-9:30 a.m.
Living in Full Swing… Power Up!
Cathy Newton

Being a developmental disability professional is a high calling and it demands high performance…in full swing! 

In these challenging times, maybe you feel like you’ve been pushed off the swing.  Or maybe you just sense that you were meant to swing higher.  Either way, don’t settle for risk aversion or mediocrity. And don’t lose hope. Power up and get in the swing of purposeful risk taking. Exercise your "risk-taking" muscles and learn practical strategies to develop the head, heart and guts of high performance. Think of the great results you will get. RISK IT!

9:45-10:45 a.m.

Changing Federal Rules: Deciphering Competing Public Interests
Kimberly Pierson & Aquila Jordan, KDADS
January 1, 2015 is going to be a big day.  Several federal rules will become effective or will begin to have an impact on the home and community based services (HCBS) programs administered by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS).  The upcoming changes could have a big impact on the HCBS Programs.  This session is an excellent opportunity to learn about the upcoming changes,  related to the CMS Final Rule for HCBS Settings, the DOL Final Rule for Care and Companionship services and other state and program changes in response to the federal rules.  Join us for this engaging and informative presentation.

Concierge Medicine
Dr. Josh Umbehr & Doug Nunamaker, AtlasMD
Direct primary care (formerly known as concierge medicine) is a growing national trend of insurance free practices that focuses on improving access to care while lowering costs. Our DPC practice charges $10-100/pt/mo based on age only for unlimited visits, no copays, free procedures and access to wholesale medicines and labs for up to 95% savings. In turn, we can lower employer health insurance premiums by 30-60%.

Emerging Artists: An Option for Employment and Community Inclusion
Cary Odell, JCDS/ Michelle Gressel, The Torn Edge
This presentation will include information about how the Emerging Artists concept was developed and what sets it apart from other art programs designed for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. The techniques that are utilized to assist the artists in learning how to create pieces that reflect their natural abilities and appeal to art lovers will be described in detail. The presentation will also cover the marketing strategies that have been effective in promoting the program and increasing art sales, such as recruiting volunteer community artists to provide individualized instruction and mentoring. The importance of establishing strong partnerships with the local art community will be discussed and many examples that have led to the inclusion of the Emerging Artists in local art shows and related events will be provided.

Autism 301 – A Year of Learning/Update on Autism
Amy Stevens, Mosaic
This year brings videos and input from those with autism.
Sadness and Misunderstandings; Forever Amazed – Resiliency; Finding Talent and Going with Interest; Stories from the Homefront; How to Connect with autism. This training helps to provide insider information on the mind of someone with autism. Personal stories and application of the lessons learned by a family with autism.

Broken Ground – Mental Health and IDD Collaborative Ventures
Dennis Tucker, Tim DeWeese, Peggy Shear-Martin, Janie Yannacito, Carla Sadler, JCDS
First there was “Breaking Ground.” Then there was “Breaking Ground II.” Now we have “Broken Ground!” Over the past few years, Johnson County Developmental Supports (JCDS) and Johnson County Mental Health (JCMH) have forged practical collaborative relationships to address previously unmet needs for IDD children and adults with co-occurring diagnoses of mental illness. The scope of these ventures includes: formation of a Health Home Partnership (including JC Health & Environment and Health Partnership Clinic); CDDO-Family Focus efforts with PRTF placements and discharges; a new Community Behavior Support Team (CBST - combined mental health and IDD professionals); clinical assessment and technical assistance with IDD adults in day services; and joint participation in the NE Regional KIPBS Collaborative. The session will include a series of brief presentations about each effort followed by Q&A with the audience.

11:00-12:00 p.m.

Changing Federal Rules: Deciphering Competing Public Interests, Part 2

DS100 and DS201
Dan Hermreck, TARC; Robin Kusiak, CLASS LTD; Kathy Walter, Flinthills Services
Learn about DS100 and DS201, two online classes offered by Butler Community College for Direct Support Professionals and Frontline Supervisors. Each class allows students from across the state to earn college credit while producing a professional portfolio which can be used to apply for certification through the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals. DS100 was designed for DSPs seeking national certification, while DS201 is focused on the supervisors of DSPs. Lessons from the online College of Direct Support will serve as the “textbook” for both DS100 and DS201.

Balancing Work and Life in a Crazy, Connected World
Cathy Newton
As a busy professional, you balance full schedules, demanding deadlines and stressful challenges in both your work and personal life.  In an increasingly connected world, the distinction between work and life has blurred causing ambiguity and stress.  This session will help you understand energy catalysts and how to best use them.  Get an energetic boost for understanding how to cope with commotion, keep your cool, and claim your life balance.
Autism 301 – A Year of Learning/Update on Autism, Part 2

Broken Ground, Part 2

1:30-2:30 p.m.

Health Homes: An Update
Rebecca Ross, KDHE
July 1, 2014 Kansas implemented Health Homes for people with serious mental illness (SMI).  Services began for Health Home members August 1. Health Homes are designed to provide intensive, comprehensive coordination of all care and services in a holistic manner to achieve improved health outcomes and management of chronic conditions. This presentation will review the Kansas Health Homes model and provide and update on the progress of SMI Health Homes implementation.

The Why, What and How of  Employment
Steve Gieber, Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities
Why: Organizations develop and implement a diversity plan that addresses the employment of people with disabilities. Strengthening our society, attracting customers, understanding the hidden benefits of a diversified workforce.
What: Developing the plan, what other successful companies have done. Resources and incentives that help with acquiring top management commitment.
How: Identifying and screening resources and partners that can help. Adjusting and developing new processes. Project SEARCH, job placement organizations, Ticket to Work, Kansas Vocational Rehabilitation, Workforce Investment Act Case Managers, Department of Commerce.

Balancing Work and Life in a Crazy, Connected World, Part 2

Using a Person’s Interests to Enhance a Meaningful Life
Evan Dean, University of Kansas Medical Center
Discovering and using a person with intellectual disability’s interests and strengths can be challenging.  However, using interests is critical to supporting a person with ID in building or enhancing a meaningful life.  This presentation provides a theoretical background for using a person’s interests to enhance a meaningful life, and provides case examples.  Participants will also be guided through a planning process to begin to use the information provided.  

Would You Please Consider… Board Members Making the Asks
Mark Stubbs, Hartsook

Avoiding the Appearance of Conflict: Conflict Free Case Management
Susan Fout & Aquila Jordan, KDADS
March 17, 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule.  the rule is focused on several elements of the home and community based services (HCBS) programs, including targeted case management and how states plan to mitigate or eliminate conflicts of interest that arise.  As professionals, targeted case managers are faced with a number of ethical and personal situations that could result in conflicts of interest or simply the appearance of a conflict.  This session explores the conflicts that can arise and proposed changes to targeted case management that will strengthen the system in Kansas and serve as a best practices guide for other states.

The Why, What and How of  Employment, Part 2

Stayin Alive Through Change
Cathy Newton
Change is happening at lightning speed. It is pervasive and the variables are uncertain.  Are you—and your co-workers—change-ready or change-resistant?  Don’t hunker down in change-resistance when it could affect your reputation, your performance and the quality of service you provide. This interactive presentation will help you confront your own biases on change.  You will learn pro-active methods to support others in shifting change-resistance to change-readiness. And you will learn personal strategies for stayin’ alive through change.

Using a Person’s Interests to Enhance a Meaningful Life, Part 2
4:00-5:00 p.m.

Winning the Hearts and Wallets
Mark Stubbs, Hartsook

Shared Living “Exploring Alternative Living Opportunities”
Susan Fout & Aquila Jordan, KDADS
Shared living is an alternative to traditional residential setting that is available in various states that provides individualize, person-centered living opportunities that promote choice, personal control and positive relationships. This session will share information and encourage dialogue about the shared living system in Kansas, recent work to ensure quality services and supports and compliance with the recent HCBS Final Rule.

Stayin Alive Through Change, Part 2

Yoga Class
Brenda Berg-Dyke
All levels are welcome to this restorative flow yoga class. Please bring a yoga mat or towel.

Friday, October 17

Kristin Scott, Scott HR
5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
Kristin Scott, Scott HR Consultants
The famous book, 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni has shared their insights and partnered with a leader in the assessment industry to create 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team. The behaviors build from the bottom up: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability and Results. Today’s session will delve into Dysfunctional behaviors and Functional behaviors and share tips for launching healthy discussions to move forward. Teams are everywhere!  Having a team that works well together is essential.  All too often, organizations struggle with hiring the right people, assigning the right tasks to the right people and getting people to work together for the good of the organization. When teams, or individuals, are not playing well together, the following are the individuals’ motivating factors:  Will this make me look good to my boss, will this impress others, if I hoard information, then I am necessary; individuals do not accept, acknowledge nor embrace their role in the issue; individuals display passive aggressive behaviors; become gatekeepers of information that is not theirs to keep, and sometimes outright sabotage others. When teams and individuals are working well as a team they display vulnerability, which results in trust; they have healthy debate; there is peer-to-peer accountability; they admit mistakes and ask for help.

HCBS Process: Roles and Responsibilities
Kimberly Pierson & Aquila Jordan, KDADS
This session will provide information about roles and responsibility of KDADS, providers, other agency and organization involved in consumer's access to services. KDADS will provide information about the eligibility process beginning with the time of request for services to the determination/ approval of a request for services. KDADS will discuss the crisis exception process and roles and responsibilities of involved organizations.

Listening to their Voices – Improving Healthcare for Kansans with DD
Martha Hodgesmith
This presentation will review the process, content and use of Voices Heard at Healthcare Town Hall Meetings for People with IDD and their support networks held across Kansas to gather consumer feedback on obtaining accessible and culturally competent health care, dental care and long term care services and supports. Six regional meetings in 2012 prioritized: What is most important about healthcare access to members of your community? What should be addressed first?  What barriers and opportunities exist with these systems?  KanCare implementation was imminent, making this process of consumer feedback a foundation for future advocacy, potential policy change, and accountability and oversight of the KanCare system. This session will review the White Paper - Improving Access to Health Care for Kansans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities" and incorporate active audience participation in developing strategies for use of the projects results in advocacy and stakeholder involvement in the ongoing implementation of KanCare.  

Whole Foods Nutrition & Good Shopping Choices
Lisa Regnier, Restore Physical Therapy

*schedule subject to change

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