Thursday, February 28, 2013

Recap of HB 2029 Hearing

Last Wednesday, InterHab staff and members provided testimony to the House Social Services Budget Committee in support of HB 2029 - a bill that would provide a permanent carve-out of intellectual/developmental disabilities services from KanCare.   More than 10 conferees spoke in support of HB 2029 including family members and board members of InterHab-member organizations.  Other I/DD stakeholders submitted testimony including Hal Shultz, a person with intellectual/developmental disabilities and representative of the Self Advocates Coalition of Kansas, who did a great job sharing his concerns.

Opposition to the bill was shared by state officials Mark Dugan, KDHE and Sec. Shawn Sullivan of KDADS.  Opposition testimony also included a fiscal note developed by the Division of Budget that claims carving out I/DD services would create a significant financial expense.  InterHab staff and members are perplexed by this fishy fiscal note and are calling for an independent fiscal note to be generated by the Department of Legislative Research.

House Social Services Budget Committee members were very engaged in the conversation.  Representative Crum, a proponent of the Governor's plan to privatize Medicaid services politely challenged many proponents to the carve-out.  Representative Lusk and others also asked meaningful questions to gain a further understanding of the I/DD service network and how KanCare has and will affect persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Lusk expressed concerns and confusion as to how KanCare would improve long-term supports.  Rep. Ballard also shared support for carving out I/DD services, indicating that part of the system "isn't broke, so don't fix it".

InterHab members and I/DD stakeholders were glad for the opportunity to have the hearing lead by chairperson Rep. Weber.

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