Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Winfield Courier: Brownback's order on social services is premature

Winfield Daily Courier
Published: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 12:08 AM CST

The Legislature should proceed with caution on Gov. Sam Brownback’s executive reorganization order for social service agencies.

Unless the administration can provide adequate answers to several questions, lawmakers should vote to overturn the order and work out the reorganization themselves.

The number one question is: Why are we doing this?

The Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services has been slimmed down since the administration of Republican Gov. Bill Graves.

Gov. Brownback wants to further reduce the size of that agency by transferring programs for the mentally ill and developmentally disabled from SRS to a newly constituted Department of Aging.

This may or may not be necessary.

The number two question is: Is the governor’s order going to make any difference?

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