Maximizing Successful Outcomes of Inclusive Education and Childhood Activities
3-Part Webinar Training Series
August 3rd - 5th
Students with special needs traditionally have been segregated from their peers and placed in special classrooms and even special schools. Although great strides have been made in including children in "regular classrooms" unfortunately segregated classrooms, schools and other children's services and supports continue to exist.
In this motivating "how to" training, Dr. Tom Pomeranz details clinical, instructional, administrative and environmental strategies to make inclusive education and other daily life activities successful. Thus, not only teachers of special needs students will benefit from this training but provider agency staff who support school aged children will find this session very informative.
Providers of family supports, respite, and other wrap around supports will be able to assist families in advocating for their child to have an inclusive life. You will also learn how to help advocate for the benefits of inclusive education for both the student with special needs as well as the "mainstream" student.
This 3-part training will be of interest to anyone involved in supporting a child to become involved and included in all aspects of their lives and those activities and learning environments that also include their non special needs peers.
Dr. Tom Pomeranz is a nationally recognized authority, trainer, clinician and consultant in the field of services for people with disabilities.
Register Today
Unemployment Insurance
August 24th
In 2014, Kansas signed into law HB 2105. The Bill increased the taxable wage base from the current $8,000 to $12,000 in the calendar year 2015 and then adds an additional increase to $14,000 in the calendar year 2016.
This is an effective 75% increase to your current unemployment insurance costs over the next two years, an increase passed on to employers despite improving economic conditions. BUT, it is an increase Nonprofits can avoid and potentially see ever greater savings. Join us to learn how your organization can lower it’s Unemployment Insurance costs and receive additional services at that lower price.
Marshall Whittey, Regional Sales Director, First Nonprofit, will be the presenter for this insightful training. Marshall is a graduate of University of Nevada (U of N), earning a B.S. with a concentration in Elementary Education. In his role, Marshall works directly with our program partners, insurance brokers, members, and prospective members around the country.
This free training is open to members only. Click Here to Register.
Positive Behavioral Supports: Programs for Individuals with Disabilities
Webinar Training
August 25th
Behaviors can be changed without focusing on the punishment. Providers can create positive programming that is antecedent-based so that the chances of success are significantly higher. The result is happier people who are busy and on less medications for their disruptive behaviors.
- List 3 characteristics of Positive Behavior Programming.
- State what ABC means when talking about behaviors.
- List at least 4 possible functions of a behavior.