Some highlights of the article:
- Waiting lists: $3.6 million in State General Funds (SGF) allotted to help reduce waiting lists. This will be matched by federal funds, creating a total of $8.2 million for waiting lists. Only a portion of this money will be directed to persons with developmental disabilities. Projections estimate approximately 97 persons with DD will be served from the waiting lists.
- KanCare
- Included in the budget bill is a proviso to delay the inclusion of long-term DD services for one year. The proviso includes language allowing programs to voluntarily participate in pilot programs.
- Legislators did not approve a special oversight committee for KanCare
- Lawmakers did approve funding ($1 million) requested by the Governor to update the Medicaid Management Information System for KanCare. However they did not approve funding that the Governor sought for a statewide program to inform Medicaid beneficiaries about KanCare. Nor did they approve funding sought by the Administration to create a new Medicaid Reform health Savings Account for KanCare.
Read More: KHI News Service
May 20, 2012
Longest ever wrap-up session ends after a budget plan is finally approved